Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tour of the Source of the Nile and Amazima

Click here to read original post  "God's Plan is Not My Plan"

Where the Nile and Lake Victoria meet. It is crazy because you can see that the water sort of swirls around and moves in all different directions....

Ready to head to Amazima! 147 REPRESENT!

Time for worship!

Uncle Raul was AMAZ-ING. He held the children's attention. ....and they are really absorbing what he teaches them from the Word. He has a true gift.

Snack time. Probably the ONLY protein most of these children have all week.

This is my little friend Solomon. He was very wary of me at first.....he didn't want to let me help him peel his egg.....guess he thought I would take it from him......
....but later we became friends. It was so hard for him to let me hold and love him....brought me to tears.

They put posho and beans in the bags for the kids to take home to the village for their families

Ready to eat! They line up smallest to biggest....

I don't think I can come up with words to express how grateful I am that I was able to help with this.....such an honor.


Me holding sweet Pearl back at Namirembe after we met Pastor Samuel and his wife Sarah.....check out those leg rolls!!!

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