Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Want to de-fund Planned Parenthood? Get ready to become a foster parent.

I am literally typing this post on my phone while I sit at the hospital, so imma keep this one short and sweet.

Two things I don't get:

1. Why wasn't everyone all up in arms when we thought PP was just tossing these babies in the trash?
2. If abortions are not readily available then what do you think is going to happen to all those babies?

Let me be clear: I am pro-life. 110%.

What frustrates me is when the Church gets all bent out of shape about things that the world is bent out of shape about. Shouldn't we have been fighting this all along?

And let me tell you what will happen to those babies....IF they are born they will end up with families that don't want them and/or can't care for them. So guess what? They will end up in foster care. Maybe directly from the hospital or a few months or even years down the road.

So, find a Foster parent licensing class and start the process because we are gonna need you.

The church should be the solution not just part of the drama.


  1. What is a GPS class?

    1. "Group Preparation and Selection" ....what the foster care training classes are called in Alabama.

  2. Your article makes me absolutely FURIOUS! Talk about having the world's view. How dare you insinuate that people weren't "up in arms" knowing that aborted infants were being tossed into the trash?! What do I think is going to happen to all those babies if abortion is not readily available? I think that they are going to LIVE!!! That you label yourself "pro-life 110%" is incredibly NOT apparent! What a subtil attempt to promote the world's narrative! Exactly who do you think you represent with your condemnation of the church as you see it, because you most certainly do not speak for me or any of the people I know that are out there on the front line objecting and working for the dissolution of Planned Parenthood through Pregnancy Care Centers and hands on assistance to women who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy.

  3. Dear "unknown", I am sorry I made you furious. I know that there are many people who are and have been fighting for life for many years. I also know that there are many who have looked the other way until the recent videos have surfaced. They are outraged now as we all should be. My point is simple...I too want these babies to live but MANY of them will end up in foster care if they do. The foster families in many areas of our country are already full or over full and still more kids sit and wait, sometimes their whole lives for families. The church needs to be prepared to take these kids on now, and even more so when/if abortions become less available.

    1. You still make it sounds as if this is a bad thing. As if those kids would still be better off aborted. That it's worse to live in a world where they may never have a loving home than to be terminated and their fate decided for them. Your pro-life stance still isn't apparent. Make it so. If you're 110% pro-life, then your cry out to the church would be more like this. Thank you Lord for your hand in this and for these babies lives! Hello Church, get ready, we may have great gifts coming our way. Any other way makes you sound resolved rather than joyful that life gets to happen. And dig a little deeper, do you think that a woman in crisis wouldn't end up keeping her child? I think the pro choice crowd has used the argument that there would be too many unwanted babies, for far too long without taking into consideration that after carrying a baby for 9 months, the mother might actually make a great parent or find an adoptive family. In the end I don't think there will be as many unwanted babies as the liberal media and pro-choicers would like you to believe. So what is your stance? Are you excited for the potential lives that could be saved if PP is shut down or are you more concerned about if that happens how many unwanted babies there would be?

    2. My goodness you sound like an angry little elf. This post was intentionally not deep but simply a cry for more foster parents to step up. My life shows how I feel about unwanted babies because I am currently raising two of them. If you have so much to say on the issue maybe write your own blog post instead of trying to get me to re write mine.

    3. I agree!! Write your own blog post "unknown" and we will read it in your words!!

    4. I don't understand what this person's problem is....

  4. Jenny you inspire me! Thank you for your boldness and your big heart! Keep speaking truth and challenging all of us!

  5. Jennymo, I appreciate what you said. I know that many churches financially support pro-life care centers, but there is always a cry for more foster parents. I am acquainted with a few foster parent homes. They took in unwanted children, did their best to heal their broken hearts and emotions, and then the state stepped in and took the children back when the parent(s) said "I want my child back". Within a short time the child landed in another foster home. Heartbreaking! But those foster parents kept on because of Christ's love flowing out of their hearts.
