Three years ago today I got the call that would change the direction of my life.
Stephanie from the National Down syndrome Adoption Network called me to tell me I had been chosen by a birth mom. I am still blown away when I think back to that call. I was shocked. Excited. Scared. But God. He knew exactly what He was doing. He knew what His plan was way before He felt the need to inform me.
And He still does.
I find myself in such a strange place three little years later. A couple of weeks ago I got my first lesson on how to remove a weave. I have two 2 year olds. I have learned so much about caring for a medically fragile child that I am expecting my nursing degree to come in the mail anyday now. I have a crap ton of medical equipment in my house. I have 2 kids in elementary school, 1 in intermediate school and 1 in high school. I have 3 kids receiving early intervention therapies for special needs. Three in diapers. A Jojo who seems to be pre programmed to destroy all things he has access to. I just bought another car and it isn't for me. Zee's adoption will be final soon. Prom is happening tomorrow and it is a whole situation. Poop diapers. So many diapers.
I have fostered at least 10 kids in my home. Honestly I've sort of lost count. I have been able to use my voice to advocate for so many children who need permanent and temporary homes. I have talked to countless families who are considering adoption or foster care and have had the opportunity to inform and encourage them. God has done so much work on me and on my family and our faith in Him has grown.
Today I have 7 kids in my home ranging in age from 6 months to 18 years old.
This is what I have far:
God will most certainly give you more than you can handle.
But if you align yourself with Him and allow Him to work through you, He will do amazing things. Things that you could never do on your own. By trusting Him, you can do amazing gospel sized things that can impact so many people.
Who knows what the next three years will hold! My plan is to continue to trust Him to guide me as I point these kids towards Christ.
Because it is all for Him and His glory!
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