Friday, December 18, 2015

2015: the ups and the downs


What a year it has been for our ever changing family!

We started the year off still working on getting our bearings with Baby Zee who had only been home for a few weeks. It was like we had a mini hospital in our living room, and looking back on it now it was quite overwhelming to say the least. But, as the days went on, we all got more and more settled in to our new normal.

But God.

Those words always crack me up....but they are always good!

In March we got a call about a little boy with CP who needed a home for a while. I know not the first thing about a child with CP, so this was quite the learning experience. "C" was a hot mess and quite a handful!

While "C" was with us we found out that Zee would be ready for his open heart surgery sooner than we had originally anticipated which was very good news, but also very difficult as many decisions had to be made. We knew that "C" would have to go back to his family as soon as possible with an extended hospital stay looming in our future. Luckily God worked it all out and he went back home with a couple of weeks to spare before Zee's surgery was scheudled.

And just like that Summer and open heart surgery was upon us. We went in to the hospital on June 23rd, and did not leave for a month. That was a really hard time. Due to complications Zee had to have not only 1 but 2 open heart surgeries. But God proved himself to be the Healer of Zees little body, and we were finally home at the end of July.

Zee is doing so well now! He is off the ventilator totally during the day and just has it as a back up at night. He is eating a drinking by mouth and getting stronger each day. Papa says he has a lot of catching up to do and he is surely working on it! I have not adopted him yet...but I will as soon as they let me!

Jojo is a hot mess. He started walking just before he turned 2 and now spends the majority of his days seeking out new ways to destroy our house. He still doesn't have many words but he communicates just fine!

Ella Mae fell in love with horses this year....more importantly she became a Christ follower at Rock the Block after hearing her brother share his testimony. She is such an amazing help with the babies!

Aidan continues to be a soccer super star but also loves to play football in the back yard and is really good at that too! He has a heart like no one I have ever known and I continue to be amazed by this sweet boy God gave me.

Papa & Emmy....well....if you know them, you should send them a note or a card or give them a hug. They have been absolute rock stars over these last few years and have supported me like I couldn't even have imagined on this crazy foster care ride.

Just in the second half of this year alone, we have welcomed "Miss V" (who is still with us), "Jake" (another boy with CP), "Bitty Baby" (who was only with us for 2 days) and now we have "Baby Jesus" (nicknamed because we picked him up at the live nativity).

So we currently have 6 kids in our home. This year has been nuts, but it has been richly blessed. I will leave you with some pictures....because what better way is there to tell a story!? 

Hoping that your family is richly blessed in 2016!


Zee turned 1
We celebrated Papas 70th

Jojo and "C"

Ella Mae broke her arm and fell in love with horses
Zee's surgeries
Jojo walks!

Aidan sharing his baptism video and testimony at Rock the Block
Ella Mae became a Christ Follower!

Zee came home and Jojo turned 2!

Beach trip!

Ella Mae and "Miss V"

Aidan and "Jake"

Aidan and Ella Mae had their tonsils out

Zee is disconnected from his machines!
Bitty baby

Soccer star

Zee and "Baby Jesus"

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