Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Update! Oh my goodness....OH MY GOODNESS!!!!

  • Aidan and Ella Mae's Super Awesomest Extraordinary Lemonade and Art Sale was a HUGE success! Never in my WILDEST dreams would I have thought my kids would come up with this idea, and God would bless us with OVER two THOUSAND dollars!
          It was truly a blessing {albeit a hot, sweaty, sunburned blessing} to spend the entire day in our front yard visiting with friends who came to support us. I was able to tell little snippets of our story to random neighbors I have never met. Some told their own adoption stories. One lady gave us $5 for some lemonade and a cookie and wished us well. A couple of hours later she walked back to our house, handed me $60 and simply said "I just felt led to give you more". Amazing.

  • I am officially paperwork approved! Home study DONE. File with agency DONE. I CANNOT express to you how awesome this feels! Who says single people can't adopt!?!? : - )

  • I applied for an adoption grant with Lifesong for Orphans through our church. I was told that the process usually takes about 10 weeks after your application is complete and they receive your home study. Since I did not have that much time, I really wasn't counting on it coming through in time .......BUT GOD! They called me last week and I am approved for the grant! So.....I need to raise about $1,000 more {in addition to what I have}and I will get the grant! WHAT A BLESSING.

  • Some of you may know that I had not heard from my birth mom in about a month. Needless to say, this was STRESSING ME OUT. Big time. So many things that could go wrong and I have been a nervous wreck. BUT GOD....
          She called me today.

First time I have heard her voice. 

She had an appointment today, and little Jojo is looking a little on the small side. This is not a surprise to me since babies with Down syndrome are often born a little small. She is going to have an ultra sound in the morning, and if they think he is not getting any bigger they may go ahead and put her in the hospital tomorrow night.....and induce her THURSDAY MORNING.

Like as in day after tomorrow Thursday!

I simply feel gratitude right now. I have just been begging God to let me HEAR from her and TRUST Him with the rest. And, as always, He has proved Himself faithful!

So whether it goes down Thursday or in a couple more weeks, I can tell you this: My Jehovah-Jireh has GOT THIS.
  • Speaking of my PROVIDER.....HE has shown off with this adoption. I mean seriously. All I need is a little over $1,000 and I am FUNDED. Done. WOW. So, if you had planned on pitching in and haven't done so yet NOW would be a great time! Details are below!

Aidan, Ella Mae and I cannot even fully express how grateful we are to all of you who have helped us out so far! We are at the finish line to bring Jojo HOME! We covet your prayers and appreciate you all so much!


jennymo, aidan, ella mae and soon to be jojo 


 {all donations previously made through Project Hopeful are still tax deductible and will still be used!}
  1. Go to the Lifesong for Orphans donation page here
  2. Fill in the required info (they won't spam you promise)
  3. "Gift Preference" should be "Adoption Funding" and "Adoption Gift Preference" should be "Family Specific"
  4. "Family Account #" is 3762 and "Family Name" is Clark
Individual donations of $250 or more and yearly donations totaling $250 or more will receive a tax-deductible receipt. Receipts for donations under $250 will gladly be sent upon request. Lifesong is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization.

1 comment:

  1. Checking at least once a day if you have made a new blogpost. I suppose you might already have a baby with you?
    I pray for you and your family.
    Greetings from Finland!
