1. Show up 10 minutes after the "ready set go"
2. Not show up at all
3. Show up at the wrong place
4. Fall directly on my face
5. Pass out
6. Finish very last
7. Run 20 steps and turn around and walk back to my car
I could go on. But basically i figured, if it goes well, I will say "Surprise! Look what I did today!" and if it was a disaster, I would keep it to myself and pretend it never happened.
As it turns out, I showed up at the right place, on time, didn't forget anything, and felt REALLY good when I sized up this competitor
but then I overheard she was only going a little way and then coming right back.....slacker.
So, I was ready to run and to be honest I felt pretty good about it......until the guy said "ready set go"......and I went. It was downhill.....nope uphill........ from there. Here are just a few of the lessons I learned:
1. When "they" say eat something the night before that will "stick with you" and don't eat anything on the morning of the race, THEY DO NOT MEAN A BEAN BURRITO. And a soft taco. Just trust me. Seriously. Please.
2. When your friends tell you that running on the treadmill is very different than running on the roads.....believe them. And don't make your first time to run on a road EVER also your first 5K. As soon as I started running, my joints started screaming obscenities at me.
3. Don't assume your running shorts have the handy dandy key pocket inside that you have never had to use.
4. If your running shorts don't have the key pocket, and you can't fit it in the key in the teeny tiny pocket on your handy sports arm band phone holder situation, then inside your sports bra is NOT your next best option. Not. Pin it to your number......learned that after the race.
5. People who say they have a beer the night before a race "for the carbs" apparently are joking. And even if they aren't....it is A beer. One.
6. If the race starts at 7am, and you figure it will take you 30 ish minutes, don't plan to be somewhere by 8:30. They have to tally up the results, and at this particular race, give out many, many "door prizes" some of which included a coffee mug, a kids over the door basketball goal, and a flashlight......with no batteries....which I am proud to say I took home.
7. It is really hot outside. A really really lot hot.
8. I hadn't thought about the high probability that on any 5K course, there will be a few hills.
9. I hear most "real" races are located in places where you have to use port-a-potties and possibly have to wait in long lines. I am eternally grateful that was not the case at this race.
10. If you run a race that no one else runs, you have a really good chance of placing and winning a super sweet......... certificate. Printed on blue paper. Card stock. And a flashlight too....... if you are really livin' right. ; )
So, I finished in 31:15 and actually got 3rd place in my age group. Don't ask me how many people were in my age group. I am actually pretty happy with this time especially considering I walked up EVERY hill....and a couple of slight inclines that I decided could pass for hills.
Friends, I have a LONG way to go....and right now, all of my joints from the waist down hurt. BUT, I am going to keep on keeping on, because this cause is worth it, and that is the ONLY reason I am doing this!
Please consider donating! My MAIN MOTIVATION is the fact that I am GOING TO raise $2,000 for Project Hopeful, AND spread the word about this wonderful cause......and by raising it $20 at a time, I am locking arms with so many friends in the process!
ALL YOU HAVE TO DO is click the logo below, click on "donate" above my name, and it will take you directly to Paypal! SO EASY!!!!

Put your shoe lace through the hole in your key and tuck it in between your laces and the tongue of your shoe. Nice work on the race.