Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Injury and Marathon Update!

So, as the 30 of you who read my blog know, I was in a boot for a little over 3 weeks due to a pulled/slightly torn Achilles tendon. Needless to say....... my first attempt at training for the Chicago Half Marathon and it was a miserable failure!

Many people have said "Well, I think this is God's way of telling you that you shouldn't be doing this marathon". Here is the way I see it: the Bible directly commands us to care for orphans. It isn't an option, and it doesn't say "if you feel called".

James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Caring for the orphans, especially those who are most overlooked and most vulnerable, is the ONLY reason I am doing this marathon in the first place.....so, I don't see why God WOULDN'T want me to press on!

I have been cross training consistently and will start a walk/jog routine soon to build up until June 1 when my doctor has cleared me to run. I pray that I won't experience any more injuries during this process! 

As I get back to training, I will be ramping up my fundraising as well! I have already raised $300...what a great start! So, I will need to raise $560 in June and July, and $580 in August to meet my $2,000 goal! To simplify it even further, I need 28 friends to donate $20 in June, 28 friends in July, and 30 friends in August. THAT IS SO DO-ABLE! Plus, I have already created, signed and sent in the following agreement, so I am contractually obligated to "pester the ever loving dickens out of all of my friends"........ : - )


So, click the logo above and pitch in your $20 via Paypal for Project Hopeful (just click the "Donate" button above my name-Jenny Clark)! My goal is to get 100 of my 600+ Facebook friends to donate $20 each....what a big impact we could make on the lives on HIV+ orphans a children around the world together!

(if you are old fashioned and don't "do" paypal, feel free to send a check made out to Project Hopeful to my home address 6166 Eagle Point Circle Birmingham, AL  35242)

Blessings and THANK YOU!


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